Discipleship & Graduation

Discipleship & Graduation

Around the month of March every year, some selected children are taken through a discipleship program for a period of 12 weeks. After which they graduate and are given bibles and certificates of participation. During this program, members are given the opportunity to give their lives to Christ. The discipleship program is opened to all members of the community at large.


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Our members, especially new ones are taken through 12 weeks of discipleship classes using the Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan Purse) lessons after which they graduate and given Bibles and certificate of honor and participation. As part of this program, participating children are given gift boxes from the Operation Christmas Child project.

Events have been an integral part of D1:8 Ministries since our inception, helping the attendees with various life struggles and offering guidance. Through each event, the D1:8 kids, and any participants, are taught helpful knowledge on many of the daily struggles they encounter. Our events are safe spaces for these kids to learn from the experience, knowledge, and wisdom of the adult volunteers and guest speakers that grace our events each year.

Our greatest joy at D1:8 is the ability to show up for these young, complex, and beautiful souls, and to point them to the goodness and fullness of Christ. Our desire is to raise enough funds to provide every event participant with a Bible! Without these events, many of the children in our areas would be going through life with many unanswered questions and without the needed guidance to set them on healthy paths.

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