The Iddrisu Family

Christmas is almost here again and it is a season of joy and love. We find the time to spend with families and loved ones, exchange gifts, and share good meals. Unfortunately, those beautiful gifts and moments are not the same for everyone. For some, like the Iddrisu family, the thought of Christmas is met with sorrow and pain, due to a painful loss of a loved one or financial constraint that adds stress to the desire to give. As you prepare to enjoy Christmas this year, we want to encourage you to bless the lives of some individuals or families, however far or near they might be that might be in need so they can celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with joy.
We want to share with you the Iddrisu family: Yaya Iddrisu (twelve years old) and Alana Adjara Iddrisu (nine years old) are both members of D1:8 at our Kotokrom chapter. They joined the ministry in 2018 through an outreach event held in the community. They grew up Muslims, but after the outreach event decided to turn over their lives to Christ and started attending regular gatherings. These two children became Christians when both of their parents were still committed Muslims. A few months after they joined D1:8, their father passed away, and their mother (Hawa Iddrisu) was now a single mother.
When their mother (Hawa) eventually committed her life to Christ, this brought total rejection by the rest of the family, especially the father's side, who was supposed to help take care of the children after their father passed away. It has been a difficult four years since their father passed away for the Iddrisu family. Despite the challenges, Hawa has been very faithful in attending and tithing to her local church.
Hawa has been picking up small jobs in order to survive with her children because she has no capital to start any sustainable business, which is her goal. Paying for the kids’ fees and feeding them are Hawa's biggest challenges right now. She contacted one of our mentors at our Kotokrom chapter with the hope that she could get some assistance for Yaya’s school fees.
Just as Christ has commanded us to help the least of these, please consider financially supporting Yaya, Alana, and Hawa. Daily school and food costs for the kids, Hawa’s dream to start her own business, and Christmas gifts are ways in which you can make a massive difference in their lives.
If you want to be a Christmas blessing to the Iddrisu family, please donate and add a note saying you would like your donation to go towards the Iddrisu family. Thanks to our partners, 100% of donations collected go straight to causes impacting our ministry and the lives of our community.